2024 A Friend in Need Scholarship-Please share your story of empathy, selflessness, and resilience. How have you helped someone? Or has someone helped you?

Life is a journey filled with unexpected challenges, and sometimes, the unexpected can change the course of our lives in an instant. During these critical moments, a helping hand can make all the difference. We at Perenich Law Injury Attorneys are proud to announce the A Friend In Need Scholarship to honor and celebrate the power of human compassion and resilience. This scholarship opportunity is a testament to the belief that adversity can be a transformative experience, leading individuals to lend a helping hand to those in need or receiving one themselves. Through this scholarship, we hope to inspire kindness throughout our communities. We invite students to share a personal story of empathy, selflessness, and resilience. Have you ever been in a situation where you rushed to help someone who faced a traumatic accident? Your story could inspire others to be compassionate and proactive in helping those in need. Conversely, was there a time when someone’s kindness and support changed the trajectory of your life following a traumatic event? Perhaps a friend, family member, or even a stranger stepped in when you needed it most. How did their actions shape your perspective on life?

check out our web page for details and application…………….https://perenichlaw.com/2024-a-friend-in-need-scholarship/
click on the “visit” button below right
