Strategic Air Services Academic Scholarship-Tell us why you chose your field of study and why you are passionate about it! Open to all fields of study.

Scholarship Opportunity for Undergraduate and Graduate Students in the U.S. from Strategic Air Services. We are thrilled to announce the Strategic Air Services Academic Scholarship Program, offering undergraduate and graduate students across the United States the opportunity to earn up to $1,000 towards their educational expenses. About Strategic Air Services: Strategic Air Services is a passionate HVAC repair company. We understand the challenges of financing an education, and we are dedicated to making a positive impact by supporting students like you. Who is eligible?
Any undergraduate or graduate student (including Master’s and Doctoral students) currently enrolled or accepted at an accredited U.S. university.
U.S. residency is required. Open to all fields of study! We value academic excellence and diverse perspectives.

check out our web page for details and application………………
click on the “visit” button, below right
