Justice for All Scholarship-Are you pursuing a career in legal, law enforcement, pre-law, or government and do you have a passion for justice and equality? If so, check out this scholarship.

From the Bettersworh Law Firm—The Bettersworth Law Firm is committed to fostering the next generation of legal professionals through the Justice for All Scholarship, a $1,000 award to aspiring individuals pursuing careers in legal, law enforcement, pre-law, or government who exhibit a passion for justice and equality. By investing in these future leaders, our firm aims to empower them to impact their communities positively and uphold the principles of fairness and integrity. The Justice for All Scholarship embodies the firm’s dedication to supporting individuals committed to justice and advocacy. The winner of our scholarship can use the award toward academic expenses, such as tuition, textbooks, room and board, and more.

check out our web page for details and application…https://www.bettersworthlaw.com/scholarship
click on the “visit” button, below right
