Peck Law Group Elder Abuse & Neglect Scholarship with Social Media Challenge-Have you experienced or observed elder abuse or neglect? If so, this scholarship might be for you.

Elder Abuse and Neglect Scholarship Details: Videos are a terrific way to display information about elder abuse and neglect as they are interesting, easy to watch and easily shareable. At the Peck Law Group we are constantly moving towards the goal of eliminating elder neglect and abuse in California and throughout the United States. Your submitted elder abuse video and article may inform thousands of Americans of the signs and symptoms of abuse and can possibly land you a $1000 scholarship if we choose your video! Our challenge to you: Create a video detailing your experience with elder abuse and/or neglect, along with an article of at least 500 words. It can be your own experience, or something that has happened to a loved one. The more in-depth the better – be creative! Please include a link to any referenced statistics or studies within your 500-word article. For example: “Past research studies have shown that there are significant correlations between the number of nurses and nurse aides, rate of staff turnover, number of beds at a facility, and the total incidents involving patient mistreatment.”

check out our web page for application and details: ……………….
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