Butler Kahn Make the World Better Scholarship-Do you want to make the world a better place? If yes, then this scholarship might be for you.

Butler Kahn’s “Make-the-World-Better” Scholarship-WANT TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE? WE DO TOO! WE’D BE HONORED TO HELP YOU BY OFFERING THIS $1,000.00 SCHOLARSHIP AND $500 2ND PLACE SCHOLARSHIP. At Butler Kahn, we help people and families. We are Atlanta personal injury lawyers, and we fight against powerful interests like insurance companies and huge corporations on behalf of people who have been injured or killed. It is not easy work. Every day we confront adversaries with vast resources who want to get out of compensating our clients. When we win, we feel like we made the world a little bit better, especially for our client. We want to help you make the world better in YOUR way. Your way may be less confrontational than ours.

check out our webpage for application and details………………….https://butlerfirm.com/about-the-firm/scholarship/
click on the “visit” button below right
