John Louis Papandrea Liberal Arts Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a student who meets the following criteria:
*Must be currently enrolled at Harper College.
*Must have 2.5 GPA or higher
*Must earn an Associate in Arts in May
*Submit one letter of recommendation from Liberal Arts Division faculty member
*Plan to transfer to a 4 year institution and major in one of the Liberal Arts
*Submit an essay about their educational career goals

Note: This scholarship will go towards your transfer school

Up to $2,000 for transfer school
Supplemental Questions
  1. Will you earn an Associates in Arts by the end of the Spring 2026?
  2. Will you transfer to a four-year institution and major in one of the Liberal Arts?
  3. What will be your major field of study when you transfer?
  4. Please enter an email to a Liberal Arts Faculty for a letter of recommendation.